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Difference Between Botox Injections and Dermal Fillers

One of the most common questions we get is “What is the difference between Botox and Filler?” Dermal fillers and Botox injections are both minimally invasive cosmetic treatments used to address signs of aging. They are administered by injection and provide temporary results, typically requiring repeat treatments for maintenance. While dermal fillers add volume to areas of the face affected by wrinkles or loss of volume, Botox injections target dynamic facial wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the underlying muscles. 

Despite their differences in mechanism, both treatments are popular options for individuals seeking to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with little to no downtime.

What Are Botox Injections?

Botox Injections: Botox is the most common known brand name of a botulinum toxin that temporarily paralyzes your muscle to prevent it from pulling on the skin to create wrinkles. Here is a video sharing all the places you can treat with Botox!

How it works: Botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, or Jeuveau) injections relax muscles, which then soften wrinkles. It takes approximately 2-14 days for the toxin to take effect and it lasts about 3 months. It is FDA-approved and safe to inject in recommended quantities.

There are 5 types of botulinum toxin on the market that are currently FDA-approved. We carry 4 different types in our office: Jeuveau, Dysport, Daxxify, and Botox.

Jeuveau has a different protein chain, Dysport is the most concentrated per mm2, Daxxify has longer longevity, and Botox was the first on the market, but all have the same mechanism of action and give similar results.

All of these types are great! Some clients love Jeuveau, some love Dysport and others prefer Botox – everyone is different. The best way to find out which works best for you is to try each one at different appointments. The one that worked best for you would take effect the quickest and last the longest. Take note after each appointment and we will help you decide from there! Remember dose equals duration so the more units of botulinum toxin that are injected, the longer it will last. We discuss more on what this means at your botulinum toxin appointment or full face assessment.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Fillers: The type of dermal fillers we offer are made of hyaluronic acid, a synthetic version of a naturally-occurring sugar our body makes. Injectable fillers add volume to the area treated to change the way the light hits the face and give you a balanced appearance. They are used to help improve the contours of the face and replace lost volume due to aging.

How it works: Dermal filler injections add volume, contour and sometimes lift. Fillers provide an instant result and last anywhere from 6-24 months. Once we achieve desired results, most clients will come in at least once to twice a year for maintenance.

Should You Get Botox Injections or Dermal Fillers?

As you can see, both these products and services are completely different. At The Aesthetic Method, we believe in understanding the aspects of aging and combating it proactively. To do this, each patient receives our Signature Full Face Assessment at their initial appointment.

That is where we can determine your needs, and what service would be a perfect fit for you. You can book a consultation and we will address individual concerns as well as recommendations on what to monitor, what to treat and what to leave because no matter what, you’re beautiful! Your specialized injector will come up with a plan over the course of the next year or two so you can decide what is right for you and budget accordingly!

“Injectables should not be a la carte, our job is to balance your face, never to overfill or freeze it.”

Book a Consultation at our Ferndale, MI Medical Spa

Please note when looking for an appointment, we open our schedule three months in advance and are usually booked 2-4 weeks out. We do not have a cancellation list, but we post all last-minute availability on Facebook and Instagram stories, so make sure to follow us there. Our Nurse Injectors, Lily and Lauren, have their books open for both new and existing clients. Stephanie, PA-C and Nurse Injector Dana only take a select number of new clients each month, if you are interested in seeing one of them, please email or call 313-992-6659.

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